Submit Your Neighborhood

Profile Submitter Info

Focus on what is current in your neighborhood now
(i.e. families and play dates, sustainable living, restoration/preservation, artist lofts, community bike rides, etc. Please also let us know what the greatest strengths are in your neighborhood.)

Include famous residents (past or present), prestigous buildings, historical events, etc.

Neighborhood Organization(s)

Housing Types

Check all found in your neighborhood.

CondominiumsApartmentsRental Home
TownhomesHistoric HousesNew Construction

Community Personality

Check all found in your neighborhood.

EntertainmentSingle FamilyNightlifeWalkableUp and ComingDowntownApartmentsClose to AirportParks/Green
QuietArtsyNew ConstructionNear UABCondosGood SchoolsCulturalLoftsHistorical

Include amenities such as parks, resource centers, shopping, dining

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